Laugh At Celebrities Without Eyebrows
Some genius of the internet has come up with an amazing and hilarious website to make you smile. Are you looking for something to cheer you up? You’ve got it. Celebrities without eyebrows is a funny site with a bizarre and unusual set of photos where celebrities have had their eyebrows photo-shopped out. As you can imagine, the results are both odd and humorous at the same time and are guaranteed to keep a smile on your face for hours on end. I mean, who wouldn’t want to see the Hollywood heartthrob George Clooney without eyebrows? right?
This fun site is part of the weird websites category. Here you will find all of the links that have been tucked away in the 4 corners of the internet only to be discovered by us. Check out these posts if you are feeling bored or simply want something to do to occupy your day. We promise you won’t be disappointed.