Brush Up On Your Facts With Today I Found Out.
Are you sat in your home or office thinking i’m bored? Now we can solve all of that for you. The clever people over at Today I Found Out have created a fun and interesting facts and figures website that is full of cool information to get your brain working. Have you every had a burning desire to find out what Bill Gates does on his day off? Or what it was like to be a court jester in medieval times, then you will love this. There are simply 1000s off videos and articles across loads of different niches to waste time on for hours. You can also participate in the forum and even quick a quick fact if you are on the go and need some prompt brain exercise.
Today I found Out really is an amazing website and will forever stop you from typing in those immortal words Google I’m Bored – So go on. Feed Your Brain.
Let us know in the comments section the best bit that cured your boredom
Take Me To This Website
This site is part of the facts and figures category. Where else would you find useless and pointless information such as the live earthquake map and the worlds biggest insects. Pop along and take a look. Don#t forget, if you know of, or even own a bored website that you think would fit into this category then let us know. We would love to hear from you and will add it to our vaults if it’s unique and helps people to waste time in the home or at work. You can submit to us via our menu tab, or simply add a comment to this post.