Toilet Paper Unrolling For People Who Are Really Bored.
Feeling bored out of your mind? then this toilet paper unrolling website is for you. Don’t go scouring websites like reddit or buzzfeed for the same old content. This is where it is happening. Spend your time unrolling a full roll of toilet paper down to the card. And when you are done, click anywhere on the screen and the toilet paper will fill back up. Genius!! How can life get more interesting that that? Sure, it may only cure your boredom for a matter of seconds. but image the satisfaction of getting to the end, only to then start again. OK. we probably haven’t convinced you.
How quickly can you unroll a roll? Let us know in the comments below.
Fight Boredom
This completely stupid website is part of the pointless and useless websites category. This category is home to hundreds of sites that serve no purpose in the world what so every. Where else could you find the real air guitars catalogue? the premium location for all air driven instruments. Or the traffic cone preservation society. A group dedicated to protecting the vitally important, and always unassuming traffic cone. Checkout this and our other categories to cure your boredom and put a much needed smile on your face.
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