Keep Thinking I’m Bored? Then Take The White House Virtual Tour

Are you wanting a bit of culture and something different to cure your boredom? Then the White House Virtual Tour is right up your street.  This cool website now gives you the opportunity to visit every room of the presidents residence from the comfort of your home, office,or even on the move.   It is split into 4 sections,  The white house, the Eisenhower executive office building, the white house in doors and the white house gardens and exterior.  Once you enter a tour you will have the opportunity to move around each room in a 360 degree view, and even zoom in to every area.  In remarkable resolution this amazing virtual tour will keep you occupied for hours if you are bored at work, or looking for something to cure your boredom in the house.

If you have always wanted to visit the White House but you have never had the funds to do it, then you can now transport yourself to Washington DC with this amazing White House Virtual Tour 

White House Virtual Tour

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This bored website is part of the cool websites category.  Where else would you be able to take a virtual tour of Mars? or build a record breaking paper airplane?    And don’t forget, if you know of or own a website you think we would love. Get in touch with us.